Reverse osmosis vs. distilled water

What’s better for us and the environment?

water worldwaterday reverse osmosis distilled hydrated

We all want clean drinking water but sometimes the choices can be confusing. Both reverse osmosis and distilled water provide clean drinking water when done correctly, but there are some differences.

Reverse osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a filtration process that forces water through a series of fine membranes. Depending on the water and the kind of filters used, reverse osmosis can remove most and sometimes all:

  • contaminants (particles and chemicals)
  • bacteria
  • minerals

Distilled water

Similarly, distilled water removes contaminants, bacteria and minerals from tap water. Let’s clarify that distillation is an energy-intensive process that involves boiling water, capturing the condensation (steam) that leaves the impurities behind, and finally collecting it back into liquid water. Distillation is not simply the boiling of water (which kills bacteria and microbes but doesn’t remove minerals, chemicals or particles).

Other uses for distilled water include using it in appliances where calcium deposits might interfere with their operation, such as humidifiers and irons.

Both are better for the environment

Both reverse osmosis and distillation provide clean drinking water and are a better alternative to bottled water, but both give water a slightly bland taste. This is due to the lack of minerals in both, compared to tap water, which contains calcium, potassium and other electrolytes/minerals. The good news is that minerals missing in filtered or distilled water can be easily found in healthy, everyday foods. And adding lemon, lime or orange drops to water can make water tasty again.

Because calcium has been removed, both reverse osmosis and distilled water can sometimes be beneficial to prevent kidney stones. It is also an alternative for some patients where electrolyte balance is monitored by a physician.

Celebrate water, stay hydrated

At the end of the day, the main thing to remember is to stay hydrated, even if that means supplementing your electrolytes with coconut water or other healthy electrolyte sources.

Throughout the month of March we at StemFoods Holistics are joining the world in raising awareness about our most precious natural resource: water. March 22 is World Water Day and we encourage individuals and organizations to participate in celebrating this important day.

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